
2023-02-16 综合 86阅读 投稿:旧时光

1.地震常识 英文版的句子

地震 earthquake quake shake shock tremor temblor [美语] (pl. -s, -blores ) (地震)发生于… hit… 袭击,打击,使遭受 strike… 突然发生 shake… 摇;摇动;摇撼 jolt… 使颠簸,摇晃 rock… 摇,摇动,使振动 roll across… 波动,起伏,横摇 rip through… 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯 破坏程度(小→大) damage 损害,损伤;〔口语〕伤害,毁坏。

destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残。 shatter .破坏;捣毁;破灭。

devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭。 level 推倒,夷平。

flatten 夷为平地。 地震学相关词汇: seismological 地震学上的 seismology 地震学 seismograph 地震仪 seismographer 地震学家 aftershock 余震 smaller tremors 小地震 epicenter 震中 magnitude 震级 Richter Scale(1—10) 里氏震级 earthquake monitoring 地震监控 tsunami 海啸 tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统 tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮 natural disaster 自然灾害 tragedy 灾难 wreckage 残骸 death toll 死亡人数 survivors 幸存者 victims 受灾者 international contributions 国际援助 evacuation 撤离 rescue team 救援小组 希望对楼主有所帮助。


An earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fracture in the Earth, called a fault. Within seconds, an earthquake releases stress that has slowly accumulated within the rock, sometimes over hundreds of years. The size of an earthquake is indicated by a number called its magnitude.

Earthquakes have the power to uproot trees and send them crashing into buildings. They can trigger landslides and avalanches, and cause flooding and tsunamis. Human structures are also at risk. It is interesting to note that tall buildings will sustain the least damage if they are located directly at the epicenter. This is because they can withstand the up-and-down motion of P-waves. S-waves, on the other hand, occur far away from the epicenter, and cause the greatest stress by shaking buildings from side to side. These buildings are often knocked off their foundations.

Scientists are continuously thinking of ways to try and reduce earthquake power. Some are trying to lessen the friction between colliding plates. They poured water down a fault where two plates were grinding together. The water “lubricated” the fault, letting one piece jerk free with a number of little earthquakes and preventing a large tremor. Architects are also designing earthquake-proof buildings, constructing on rock instead of gravel, or on soft sand or clay. Researchers are always trying to reduce the impact of earthquakes. They continue to study and experiment with ways to tame the Earth. However, we all still have much more to learn before we can control the power of one of nature's most amazing phenomena.


Keep a cool head. Worry may result in bad decisions. Do not follow others blindly (盲目地). Think about what you should do. The first several seconds are important.

If you are inside during an earthquake, hide under a table or desk. Protect your head. Keep away from windows and things that could fall on you.

If you are outside, move away from buildings and street lights. They could fall and hurt you.

4.地震知识 英文

An earthquake is a phenomenon that results from and is powered by the sudden release of stored energy in the crust that propagates seismic waves. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes may manifest themselves by a shaking or displacement of the ground and sometimes tsunamis, which may lead to loss of life and destruction of property.

Earthquakes may occur naturally or as a result of human activities. In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves.

地震是供给动力结果从和由被存放的能量突然的发行在外壳繁殖地波的现象。在地球的表面, 地震也许体现自己由地面和有时海啸的震动或位移, 也许导致物产的丧生和破坏。

地震也许发生自然地或由于人类活动。在它的最普通的感觉, 词地震使用描述任何地震事件是否一种自然现象或事件造成由人引起地波。


Dear friends

I'm sorry to hear that an earthquake happened to your hometown. The earthquake destroyed your hometown. Lots of houses fell down and some of you can't see your families any longer.

Please don't feel sad. You should believe in the Party, the government and the people in the country. Your heart should be full of wishes because the Party, the government and the people are with you all the time and they take care of you. They try their best to solve your troubles. They give away their money and many things for you and they donate blood for you.

So you should take care of yourselves. In the future, you should do something useful for our country to answer for their loves.




This article is about the natural seismic phenomenon. For other uses, see Earthquake (disambiguation).

An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph. The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.

At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.

7.地震救援常识 英文

A. Before the Earthquake:1.Learn how to survive during the ground motion. This is described in the "During the Earthquake" section below. The earthquake safety tips there will prepare you for the fast action needed - most earthquakes are over in seconds so knowing what to do instinctively is very important. 2.Teach all members of your family about earthquake safety. This includes: 1) the actions you should take when an earthquake occurs, 2) the safe places in a room such as under a strong desk, along interior walls, and 3) places to avoid such as near windows, large mirrors, hanging objects, heavy furniture and fireplaces.3.tock up on emergency supplies. These include: battery operated radio (and extra batteries), flashlights (and extra batteries), first aid kit, bottled water, two weeks food and medical supplies, blankets, cooking fuel, tools needed to turn off your gas, water and electric utilities. 4.Arrange your home for safety: Store heavy objects on lower shelves and store breakable objects in cabnents with latched doors. Don't hang heavy mirrors or pictures above where people frequently sit or sleep.5.Anchor heavy appliances and furniture such as water heaters, refrigerators and bookcases. Store flamable liquids away from potential ignition sources such as water heaters, stoves and furnaces. 6.Get Educated. Learn what to do during an earthquake (see below). Then you will be ready for the fast action needed. Make sure that all members of your family have this important education. 7.Learn where the main turn-offs are for your water, gas and electricity. Know how to turn them off and the location of any needed tools.B.During the Earthquake:1.If you are indoors, stay there. Quickly move to a safe location in the room such as under a strong desk, a strong table, or along an interior wall. The goal is to protect yourself from falling objects and be located near the structural strong points of the room. Avoid taking cover near windows, large mirrors, hanging objects, heavy furniture, heavy appliances or fireplaces. 2.If you are cooking, turn off the stove and take cover. 3.If you are outdoors, move to an open area where falling objects are unlikely to strike you. Move away from buildings, powerlines and trees. 4.If you are driving, slow down smoothly and stop on the side of the road. Avoid stopping on or under bridges and overpasses, or under power lines, trees and large signs. Stay in your car. C.After the Earthquake:1.Check for injuries, attend to injuries if needed, help ensure the safety of people around you. 2.Check for damage. If your building is badly damaged you should leave it until it has been inspected by a safety professional. 3.If you smell or hear a gas leak, get everyone outside and open windows and doors. If you can do it safely, turn off the gas at the meter. Report the leak to the gas company and fire department. Do not use any electrical appliances because a tiny spark could ignite the gas. 4.If the power is out, unplug major appliances to prevent possible damage when the power is turned back on. If you see sparks, frayed wires, or smell hot insulation turn off electricity at the main fuse box or breaker. If you will have to step in water to turn off the electricity you should call a professional to turn it off for you.。


What is earthquake? Earthquakes drop pressures that cause lasting changes in the Earth's crust. Many of the people living in Iran had experienced an earthquake. When we feel something violent or something slow like rolling motion of the earth if we are at sleep, we will wake up or if we are at home and watching television or driving in the street when an earthquake happens, we will amaze. What is the reason for earthquake? Why feel of earthquakes are so different from the other? What is earthquake? Earhquakes cause dropping pressure and these are the Earth's natural means. While Earth's plates moving in the opposite direction of each other, a great amount pressure will impose to lithosphere. The lithosphere breaks when the pressure is great. For example imagine you have a pencil. If you give a force to both ends of it you would sea that pencil stoop. When you give enough force, the pencil would break in the middle part, and the force that you had imposed it would dropping. The action of the Earth's crust is exactly like this .When the plates move,they stress on each other and themselves. While this pressures and stresses is great enough, the crust would break. After the crust break, the pressure will decrease as energy t moves among the Earth's layers in form of waves, and earthquake happen. Naturally occurring earthquakes Most naturally occuring earthquakes are related to the tectonic nature of the Earth. Such earthquakes are called tectonic earthquakes. The Earth's lithosphere is a patch work of plates in slow but constant motion caused by the heat in the Earth's mantle and core. Plate boundaries glide past each other, creating frictional stress. When the frictional stress exceeds a critical value, called local strength, a sudden failure occurs. The boundary of tectonic plates along which failure occurs is called the fault plane. When the failure at the fault plane results in a violent displacement of the Earth's crust, the elastic strain energy is released and elastic waves are radiated, thus causing an earthquake. It is estimated that only 10 percent or less of an earthquake's total energy is ultimately radiated as seismic energy, while most of the earthquake's energy is used to power the earthquake fracture growth and is eventually converted into heat. Therefore, earthquakes lower the Earth's available potential energy and thermal energy, though these losses are negligible. To describe the physical process of occurrence of an earthquake, seismologists use the Elastic-rebound theory. The majority of tectonic earthquakes originate at depths not exceeding a few tens of kilometers. Earthquakes occurring at boundaries of tectonic plates are called interplate earthquakes, while the less frequent events that occur in the interior of the lithospheric plates are called intraplate earthquakes. Where the crust is thicker and colder, earthquakes occur at greater depths of hundreds of kilometers along subduction zones where plates descend into the Earth's mantle. These types of earthquakes are called deep focus earthquakes. They are possibly generated when subducted lithospheric material catastrophically undergoes a phase transition (e.g., olivine to spinel), releasing stored energy—such as elastic strain, chemical energy or gravitational energy—that cannot be supported at the pressures and temperatures present at such depths. Earthquakes may also occur in volcanic regions and are caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes. Such quakes can be an early warning of volcanic eruptions. A recently proposed theory suggests that some earthquakes may occur in a sort of earthquake storm, where one earthquake will trigger a series of earthquakes each triggered by the previous shifts on the fault lines, similar to aftershocks, but occurring years later, and with some of the later earthquakes as damaging as the early ones. Such a pattern was observed in the sequence of about a dozen earthquakes that struck the Anatolian Fault in Turkey in the 20th Century, the half dozen large earthquakes in New Madrid in 1811-1812, and has been inferred for older anomalous clusters of large earthquakes in the Middle East and in the Mojave Desert.。


Earthquake happens when the earth plates move roughly.

We have some ways to treat the earthquake,such as:1.Avoid to built houses between two earth plates.2.Built the houses on the rock instead of sand,and try to enhance the house,especially where earthquake often happens.

After the earthquake:1.Try to save the survivals.2.Try to give some help on food,tent and some other needs.

