The maple leaf is the characteristic leaf of the maple tree , and is the most widely recognized national symbol of Canada .A maple leaf is on the coat of arms of Canada, and is on the Canadian flag. The maple is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of many countries including Canada. Maple leaves are traditionally an important part of Canadian Forces military regalia. In the literary world, the word maple was first published in Geoffery Chaucer's "The Knights Tale" on line 2,065, spelled as "mapul". At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the settlements of New France had attained a population of about 18,000. Also by this time, the maple leaf had been adopted as an emblem by the French Canadians along the Saint Lawrence River.Its popularity with French Canadians continued and was reinforced when, at the inaugural meeting of the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste in 1834, the maple leaf was one of numerous emblems proposed to represent the society. Speaking in its favour, Jacques Viger, the first mayor of Montreal, described the maple as "the king of our forest; 。
the symbol of the Canadian people." The maple leaf slowly caught on as a national symbol: in 1868, it was included in the coat of arms of both Ontario and Quebec, and was added to the Canadian coat of arms in 1921. Historically, the golden maple leaf had represented Ontario, while the green maple leaf had represented Quebec. In 1867, Alexander Muir composed the patriotic "The Maple Leaf Forever," which became an unofficial anthem in English-speaking Canada. From 1876 until 1901, the leaf appeared on all Canadian coins, and remained on the penny after 1901. During the First World War, badges of the Canadian Expeditionary Force were often based on a maple leaf design. The use of the maple leaf as a regimental symbol extended back to the 1800s, and Canadian soldiers in the Second Boer War were distinguished by a maple leaf on their sun helmets.The maple leaf finally became the central national symbol with the introduction of the Canadian flag (suggested by George F. G. Stanley and sponsored by M.P. John Matheson) in 1965, which uses a highly-stylized eleven-pointed maple leaf, referring to no specific species of maple. Earlier official uses of a maple leaf design often used over 30 points and a short stem. The one chosen is a generic maple leaf representing the ten species of maple tree native to Canada—at least one of these species grows natively in every province.[4] The maple leaf is currently used on the Canadian flag, logos of various Canadian-based companies and the logos of Canadian sports teams. Examples include Air Canada, McDonald's Canada, General Motors Canada, the Toronto Maple Leafs NHL franchise, the Toronto FC soccer club, and Wendy's Canada (using the maple leaf in place of the normal apostrophe found at U.S. locations). It is also used by the Federal Government as a personification and identifier on its websites.Since 1979, the Royal Canadian Mint has produced gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bullion coins, which are officially known as Maple Leafs, as geometric maple leaves are stamped on them.。
加拿大(英语/法语:Canada)。加拿大立国初期的官方全名是加拿大自治领地(法语:Le Dominion du Canada,英语:The Dominion of Canada )。
《哦!加拿大》(法语:Ô Canada,英语:Oh Canada)和《天佑女王》(God Save The Queen)。《哦!加拿大》由卡力沙·拉瓦雷(Calixa Lavallée)作曲、阿多尔夫·贝西·卢提尔(Adolph-Basile Routhier)作词,1880年首次被演唱。国歌的歌词原先只有法文,1908年,罗伯特·斯坦利·维尔写了英文歌词。1980年7月1日加拿大政府宣布《哦!加拿大》为正式国歌,并在首都渥太华举行了国歌命名仪式。因此,加拿大的国歌有英、法两种歌词。《天佑女王》是英国的国歌及英联邦的皇室颂歌。
Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area[7] and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.
Canada has a parliamentary government with strong democratic traditions. Parliament is made up of the Crown, an elected House of Commons, and an appointed Senate.[30][31][32] Each Member of Parliament in the House of Commons is elected by simple plurality in an electoral district or riding. General elections must be called by the Prime Minister within five years of the previous election, or may be triggered by the government's losing a confidence vote in the House. Members of the Senate, whose seats are apportioned on a regional basis, are chosen by the Prime Minister and formally appointed by the Governor General and serve until age 75. Four parties had representatives elected to the federal parliament in the 2008 elections: the Conservative Party of Canada (governing party), the Liberal Party of Canada (Official Opposition), the New Democratic Party (NDP), and the Bloc Québécois. The list of historical parties with elected representation is substantial.
Canada's federalist structure divides government responsibilities between the federal government and the ten provinces. Unicameral provincial legislatures operate in parliamentary fashion similar to the House of Commons. Canada's three territories also have legislatures, but with fewer constitutional responsibilities than the provinces and with some structural differences (for example, the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut has no parties and operates on consensus).
“加拿大”一词源于美洲原住民语言休伦-易洛魁语中的Kanata,意为“村庄”。加拿大立国初期的官方全名是加拿大自治领(英文:The Dominion of Canada,法文:Le Dominion du Canada),在20世纪30年代后,联邦政府就停止使用全称。
更持久的殖民活动是在16世纪和17世纪左右由法国人开始的。 在这片被称作新法兰西的土地上,法国殖民者与英国殖民者之间发生了持续的战争,而最终以英国殖民者的胜利而告终,1763年的巴黎和约使加拿大正式成为英属殖民地。
1931年的威斯敏斯特法案和1982年的加拿大宪法逐步巩固了加拿大的独立地位。 在20世纪下半叶,一些魁北克的法语省民请求独立,但是两次全民公决(1980年及1995年)中独立一方以40%及49.4%的得票率险负。
之后,加拿大修改了相关法律,规定即使魁北克全民公决支持独立,魁北克的独立也必须获得全联邦的批准方能生效。 加拿大采用联邦制、国会制及君主立宪制。
总理由众议院最大政党, 即执政党的领袖担任。现执政党为保守党,该党领袖史蒂芬·哈珀(Stephen Harper)为总理。
立法机关是国会。 主要政党: 加拿大自由党 Liberal Party of Canada 加拿大保守党 Conservative Party of Canada 加拿大新民主党 New Democratic Party (NDP) 魁人党团 Bloc Québécois 加拿大绿党 Green Party of Canada 加拿大分成十个省和三个地区。
阿尔伯塔省/艾伯塔省 / 亚伯达省 (Alberta)(加入年份为1905) 英属哥伦比亚省 / 不列颠哥伦比亚省 (又叫卑诗省)(British Columbia)(加入年份为1871年) 曼尼托巴省/缅尼托巴省 / 马尼托巴省(Manitoba)(加入年份为1870年) 纽芬兰与拉布拉多省(Newfoundland and Labrador)(加入年份为1949) 纽奔驰域省 / 新不伦瑞克省 /(New Brunswick)(加入年份为1867年) 西北地区(Northwest Territories)(加入年份为1870年) 新斯科舍省 /(Nova Scotia)(加入年份为1867年) 努那福特地区 / 努纳武特地区(Nunavut)(于1999年分割出的) 安大略省(Ontario)(加入年份为1867年) 爱德华王子岛省(Prince Edward Island)(加入年份为1873年) 魁北克省(Québec)(加入年份为1867年) 沙士吉万省 / 萨斯喀彻温省 / 萨克其万省(Saskatchewan)(加入年份为1905年) 育康地区 / 育空地区(Yukon)(加入年份为1898年) 加拿大东部被分为北方的寒带森林地带和无植物的加拿大地盾与哈得孙湾地带,南方有非常肥沃以及人口稠密的圣劳伦斯河峡谷。中部大部份是平原和草原。
西部加拿大主要是崎岖的落矶山脉。 加拿大全境分布有许多大湖,包括在南方跟分美国部分国界的五大湖。
加拿大的淡水资源占世界淡水资源的20%,其中35%为可更新的。 广阔的北方主要是极地气候的低地,所以很少人居住。
最大的城市是安大略的多伦多、魁北克的蒙特利尔、卑诗的温哥华、安大略的渥太华、亚伯达(艾伯塔)的卡加利(卡尔加里)。 就像一个富裕的、高科技工业发达的社会那样,今天的加拿大与美国在市场导向、生产模范以及高生活水平上十分接近。
Canada is a vast territory with a sparse population and it is surrounded by sea on three sides。It is on the south of the USA and there are many lakes。
There are many islands in the coastal area as well。 2。
In Canada it is moist in the western and eastern , warm in the southern and cold in the northern。 3。
Canada is rich in resources such as hydroelectric resource,forest resources and mineral resources。 4。
The industry of Canada is flourishing and the traffic there is very convenient。Industry and agriculture is mainly in the southern and the crops are mainly wheat and corn。
加拿大英语(Canadian English,CaE,en-CA)是一种在加拿大广泛使用的英语方言。
Constable Geikie在1857年的一次讲话中。这种思想反映了一部分加拿大人以英国为主导的核心思想,并且持续了一百多年至今。
他的提法说,加拿大英语是一种堕落的英语方言,与正统的英国英语无法相提并论。 加拿大英语使用各种地方的英语方言,当然最多的还是美国英语。
许多正式的加拿大英语词汇的用法,却以正统的英国英语作为标准,而不是和大多数美国人的说法相同。 。
“加拿大”一词源于美洲原住民语言休伦-易洛魁语中的Kanata,意为“村庄”。加拿大立国初期的官方全名是加拿大自治领(英文:The Dominion of Canada,法文:Le Dominion du Canada),在20世纪30年代后,联邦政府就停止使用全称。
总理由众议院最大政党, 即执政党的领袖担任。现执政党为保守党,该党领袖史蒂芬·哈珀(Stephen Harper)为总理。
立法机关是国会。主要政党:加拿大自由党 Liberal Party of Canada 加拿大保守党 Conservative Party of Canada 加拿大新民主党 New Democratic Party (NDP) 魁人党团 Bloc Québécois 加拿大绿党 Green Party of Canada 加拿大分成十个省和三个地区。
阿尔伯塔省/艾伯塔省 / 亚伯达省 (Alberta)(加入年份为1905) 英属哥伦比亚省 / 不列颠哥伦比亚省 (又叫卑诗省)(British Columbia)(加入年份为1871年) 曼尼托巴省/缅尼托巴省 / 马尼托巴省(Manitoba)(加入年份为1870年) 纽芬兰与拉布拉多省(Newfoundland and Labrador)(加入年份为1949) 纽奔驰域省 / 新不伦瑞克省 /(New Brunswick)(加入年份为1867年) 西北地区(Northwest Territories)(加入年份为1870年) 新斯科舍省 /(Nova Scotia)(加入年份为1867年) 努那福特地区 / 努纳武特地区(Nunavut)(于1999年分割出的) 安大略省(Ontario)(加入年份为1867年) 爱德华王子岛省(Prince Edward Island)(加入年份为1873年) 魁北克省(Québec)(加入年份为1867年) 沙士吉万省 / 萨斯喀彻温省 / 萨克其万省(Saskatchewan)(加入年份为1905年) 育康地区 / 育空地区(Yukon)(加入年份为1898年)加拿大东部被分为北方的寒带森林地带和无植物的加拿大地盾与哈得孙湾地带,南方有非常肥沃以及人口稠密的圣劳伦斯河峡谷。中部大部份是平原和草原。