
2024-09-12 情感 86阅读 投稿:回眸


祝永远幸福! You two are a perfect match。

Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness。 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。

We never knew two people better suited to each other。 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。

You're the luckiest guy in the world。God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。

May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age。愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。

Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true。 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边! 。


whole life the wonder such you bring the beauty 整个的生活奇迹如此的你带来美人 I can see but I keep deep inside on it 我能见到但是在它上我保存深的进里面 oh life I feel that I can bring it again 表示惊讶生活我感觉我再一次能带来它 in the world where love will still remain 在世界上爱将会仍然保持 choose your words make them whys 选择你所说的话使他们成为理由 many things have produced(?) 许多事物已经生产 (?) where we are 我们在哪里 I am here 我在这里 here with you 这里由于你 close your eyes let love heal the sorrow 关被让爱的你眼睛痊愈悲伤 once again I feel in life 再一次我在生活方面感觉 I'm sure of this insight 我确定这洞察力 and I need you more than ever 而且我需要你超过曾经 life's told me so much more 被告诉我这么更多的生活 feel stronger than before of this feeling stay here 觉得较强壮超过在有同情心的停留这里之前 forever 永远地 long ago I was blind 很久以前我是盲目的 I thought the love was so waste here to stay 我认为爱是如此废弃这里停留 but we walked all the way 但是我们走了所有的方法 and we said good bye 而且我们说了善行再见 even though I knew I loved you still 即使我认识我被仍然爱你 suddenly you were gone and she was in your rounds 突然你不见了,而且她是在你的回合中 its picture I remember 它的照片我记得 I was lost could not be saved my life just ran away 我是失去的无法仅仅被解救我的生活逃走 I only wish that we could start over 我唯一的希望我们可以结束开始 but true love will find its way 但是真实的爱将会找它的方法 now I love it seemed to stay 现在我爱它似乎停留 I lost it once and now I found the way to live again 我遗失了它一次,而且现在我发现方式再一次居住 oh life I wonder such you bring the beauty 表示惊讶生活我怀疑如此的你带来美人 I can see but I keep deep inside on it 我能见到,但是在它上我保存深的进里面 oh life I feel that I can bring it again 表示惊讶生活我感觉我再一次能带来它 in the world where love will still remain 在世界上爱将会仍然保持 but true love will find its way 但是真实的爱将会找它的方法 now I love it seemed to stay 现在我爱它似乎停留 I lost it once now I found the way to live again 我现在遗失了它一次我发现方式再一次居住 oh life the wonder such you bring the beauty 表示惊讶生活奇迹如此的你带来美人 I can see but I keep deep inside on it 我能见到,但是在它上我保存深的进里面 oh life I feel that I can bring it again 表示惊讶生活我感觉我再一次能带来它。


Whole life the wonder that you bring /你带来终生的神奇

The beauty I can see我能看到的美好

But I keep deep inside on me 但是我把它们深深地埋藏在内心

Oh life I feel that I can breathe it again 哦,老天,我又能够呼吸了

In a world where love will still remain 在这个爱仍留存的世界

Choose your words make them whys 说吧,为什么会有这么不同

Many things have brought us where we are 很多事情将我们促到了一起

I am here here with you 我又和你在一起了

Close your eyes let love heal the sorrow 闭上眼睛让爱为我们疗伤

Once again I feel the life 再一次感受生活

I'm sure of this inside 我相信此刻内心的感受

And I need you more than ever 我有多么需要你

Life's told me so much more 生活交给了我太多

Feel stronger than before 我比以前更坚强

Of this feeling stays here forever 让这种感受永远停驻

Long ago I was blind 很久以前 我不懂

I thought love was so waste here to stay 以为爱是浪费

But we walked all way and we said goodbye 风雨之后我们选择了分手

Even though I knew I loved you still 尽管我知道我仍爱着你

Suddenly you were gone 你就这么突然地走了

And she was in your arms 带着另一个她在你的臂弯

It's a picture I remember 这幅画面印在我脑海

I was lost could not be saved 我迷失,彷徨

My life just ran away 生活抛弃了我

I only wish that we could start over 只想能够和你重新来过

But true love will find its way 是真爱就会找到出路

Now I love it seemed to stay 现在爱将永驻

I lost it once and now I found a way to live again 我丢过一次,以后不会了



以后的英文:afterlaterafterwardsfollowinglater onin the future参考例句:Later on; afterwards以后;后来She became a housewife after the marriage.结婚以后她成为家庭主妇。

various events that happened posterior to the 19th century 19世纪以后发生的种种事件Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty.和平条约签定以后,战事随之结束。Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun.隧道实际开始动工是在四十二年以后。

When everyone is on the board, the boat will set sail.每个人都上船以后,船就会起航了。Put sth on the back;burner put work,etc aside to be dealt with later将工作等暂时搁置留待以后处理.So from then on they switched over completely to undercover activities所以,以后他们就完全转入秘密了。

Three days later his diarrhoea was checked.三天以后他的痢疾止住了。Ground fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.经过两星期的平静以后,地面战斗又突然爆发了。

