淡季 旺季(英语怎么说(“淡季”“旺季”用英语怎么说)

2024-09-09 百科 86阅读 投稿:深碍



slack season;

dull season;

off season;

a dead season;

low season



It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season.


Although it was off-season, the hotel was fully occupied.



peak period;

boom season;

busy season



There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season.


The wedding season is upon us .


淡季 slack season; dull season; off season; a dead season; low season 【双语例句】 1.如果在淡季出游,就有可能去一些价格较为昂贵的旅游胜地度假。

It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season. 2.虽然处于淡季,这家饭店却客满了。 Although it was off-season, the hotel was fully occupied. 旺季 midseason; peak period; boom season; busy season 【双语例句】 1.那里有迪斯科舞厅和夜总会,但是通常只在度假旺季营业。

There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season. 2.结婚旺季就要来了。 The wedding season is upon us 。


淡季 slack season; dull season; off season; a dead season; low season 【双语例句】 1.如果在淡季出游,就有可能去一些价格较为昂贵的旅游胜地度假。

It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season. 2.虽然处于淡季,这家饭店却客满了。 Although it was off-season, the hotel was fully occupied. 旺季 midseason; peak period; boom season; busy season 【双语例句】 1.那里有迪斯科舞厅和夜总会,但是通常只在度假旺季营业。

There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season. 2.结婚旺季就要来了。 The wedding season is upon us 。
