
2022-05-29 综合 86阅读 投稿:罂粟花


1. bat an eye (show surprise, fear, or interest) 眨一下眼睛(表示惊讶、恐惧等)该成语通常用于否定句中,表示不露声色.例:Tom told his story without batting an eye, although not a world of it was true.虽然没有一句话是真的,汤姆编造故事却面不改色.2. be all fingers and thumbs做事笨手笨脚例:He could not undo the string of the parcel ---- she was all fingers and thumbs.他怎么也解不开包袱上的绳子 ---- 真是笨手笨脚. 3. be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth (born with inherited privilege or wealth) 门第高贵;出生富豪[注] 银具是富裕人家身份的象征之一,生在富贵人家的孩子多用银匙 (silver spoon) 喂食.例:When does she know about hardship ---- she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.她根本就不知道什么叫艰难 ---- 他出生在富贵人家.4. be in sth. up to one's neck (be very much and very seriously involved in) 深陷于.中例:She said she knew nothing about the robbery, but I'm sure she's in it up to her neck.她说她对这起抢劫案一无所知,不过我敢肯定她深深卷入其中.5. bite the hand that feeds one (be very ungrateful) 忘恩负义;以怨报德例:She felt that her protégé had bitten the hand that fed him by making unkind remarks about her in public.她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义.6. bite off sb's nose (scold sb. severely; disagree with sb. in a bad manner) 气势汹汹地回答某人;声色俱厉地训斥某人[注] 也作snap off sb's head.该成语最早出现于16世纪.到了18世纪,有人用动词 snap 替换该成语中的 bite 一词.例:She bites off his nose on the faintest provocation.不管有事无事,她动不动就声色俱厉地训斥他.7. break the back of sth. (complete the heaviest or most difficult part of sth. hurt the most import part) 门第高贵;出生富豪[注] 银具是富裕人家身份的象征之一,生在富贵人家的孩子多用银匙 (silver spoon) 喂食.同义语有be born in (或to) the pruple; be radled in purple.例:Now that you've broken the back of the job, have a rest.你既然已经完成了这项工作的主要部分,那就休息一下吧.8. bury one's head in the sand (deliberately ignore sth. that is obvious but unpleasant) 逃避现实;拒绝承认现实[注] 鸵鸟遇到危险时,总是把头埋在沙里,自己看不见敌人就认为敌人也看不见自己,由此产生这一成语.例:He had suspected for some months that his son was taking drugs, but he had buried his head in the sand and refused to admit it, even to himself.几个月来,他一直怀疑自己的儿子在吸毒,但他却采取鸵鸟政策,拒绝承认现实. 9. carry a chip on one's shoulder (have rather an aggressive manner, as if always expecting to be insulted, ill-treated) 以挑衅的态度出现;像要跟人家打架似的[注] 19世纪中叶美国中西部的居民寻衅打架时,常把一块碎木片(chip)放在肩膀上,谁要与他打架就得先击落这块木片.例:He is very difficult to deal with ---- he's always carried a chip on his shoulder about his lack of education.他这个人很难对付----由于没能受到良好的教育,他整天都像要跟人家打架似的.10. chance one's arm (do sth. risky; take a risk) 冒险一试;碰碰运气[注] 该成语原出自拳击运动,后被裁缝吸收为行话;从1890年起,又被士兵们用来指“冒降级的险”例:The manager decided to chance his arms and try to write a book on economy.这个经理决定碰碰运气,试着写一本关于经济的书.。

























暗银河系的发现及其科学意义 In addition to conventional galaxies, the universe contains very dim galaxies that until recently went unnoticed by astronomers. Possibly as numerous as conventional galaxies, these galaxies have the same general shape and even the same approximate number of stars as a common type of conventional galaxy, the spiral, but tend to be much larger. Because these galaxies 'mass is spread out over larger areas, they have far fewer stars per unit volume than do conventional galaxies. Apparently these low-surface-brightness galaxies, as they are called, take much longer than conventional galaxies to condense their primordial gas and convert it to stars—that is, they evolve much more slowly. These galaxies may constitute an answer to the long-standing puzzle of the missingbaryonic mass in the universe. Baryons—subatomic particles亚原子粒子 that are generally protons or neutrons—are the source of stellar, and therefore galactic, luminosity, and so their numbers can be estimated based on how luminous galaxies are. However, the amount of helium in the universe, as measured by spectroscopy光谱学, suggests that there are far more baryons in the universe than estimates based on galactic luminosity indicate. Astronomers have long speculated that the missing baryonic mass might eventuallybe discovered in intergalactic space星系际的空间 or as some large population of galaxies that are difficult to detect. -------------------------------另类海豹哺乳方式与众不同 Until recently, zoologists believed that all species of phocids (true seals), a pinnipped family, use a different maternal strategy than do otariids (fur seals andsea lions), another pinniped family. Mother otariids use a foraging strategy. They acquire moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from 4 months to 3 years depending on the species, mother otariids alternately forage at sea, where they replenish their fat stores, and nurse their young at breeding sites. Zoologists had assumed that females of all phocids species, by contrast,use a fasting strategy in which mother phocids, having accumulated large energy stores before they arrive at breeding sites, fast throughout the entire lactation period, which lasts from 4 to 50 days depending on the species. However, recent studies onharbor seals, a phocids species, found that lactating females commenced foragingapproximately 6 days after giving birth and on average made 7 foraging trips during the remainder of their 24-day lactation period. The maternal strategy evolved by harbor seals may have to do with their small size and the large proportion of their fat stores depleted in lactation. Harbor seals are small compared with other phocids species such as grey seals, all of which are known to fast for the entire lactation period. Studies show that mother seals of these species use respectively 84 percent, 58 percent, and 33 percent of their fat stores during lactation. By comparison, harbor seals use 80 percent of their fat stores in just the first 19 days of lactation, even though they occasionally feed during this period. Since such a large proportion of their fat stores is exhausted despite feeding, mother harbor seals clearly cannot support all of lactation using only energy stored before giving birth. Though smallerthan many other phocids, harbor seals are similar in size to most otariids. In addition,there is already some evidence suggesting that the ringed seal, a phocids species thatis similar in size to the harbor seal, may also use a maternal foraging strategy.------------------------------pheromones是什么东东,是不是该划为odorantThere is no consensus among researchers regarding what qualifies a substance as a pheromone. While most agree on a basic definition of pheromones as chemicals released by one individual of a species which, when detected by another individual of the same species, elicit a specific behavioral or physiological response, some researchers also specify that the response to pheromones must be unconscious. In addition, the distinctionbetween pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors---can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as atype of odorant. Evidence that pheromone responses may not involve conscious odor perception comes from the finding that in many species, pheromones are processed by the vomeronasal (or accessory olfactory) system, which uses a special structure in the nose, the vomeronasal organ (VNO),。


We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the interfaces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive. 触控荧幕的应用非常广泛,例如游客导览系统、自动柜员机、销售点终端机、工业控制系统等。


基因改造食物安全吗? - 鼓吹基因改造作物的人说,这类作物不像传统作物,需要的有毒农药较少,对环境有利。但令批评者担忧的是潜在的风险,他们想知道所谓的利益究竟有多少。

到底基因改造作物是环保美梦的实现,还是一场正在形成中的灾难?科学家正积极寻找答案。 GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS: Are They Safe? - Are genetically modified crops an environmental dream come true or a disaster in the making? Scientists are looking for answers 给你个网站,上面有蛮多科技文章的。

municate with other human beings。


The Internet(互联网) The Intemet was first established in 1960s. At that time, the computer was both large and expensive and the networks were unable to work well. If one of the computers broke down, the whole networks would be unable to work.At first, the Intemet was just used by the government. By 1970s, it had been used in universities, banks and hospitals. At the beginning of 1990s, computers became both cheaper and easier to operate. Now it is very convenient to log on the Internet.It is said that each day tens of millions of people log on the Internet.Sending e-mails is becoming more and more popular.The Internet has become the most important part of people's life.互联网互联网建于20世纪60年代。





7.科学小知识 要简单

▲.什么是宇宙? 答:宇宙是天地万物的总称,它既没有边际,也没有尽头,同时也没有开始和终结。

▲.银河系有多大? 答:许许多多的恒星合在一起,组成一个巨大的星系,其中太阳系所在的星系叫银河系。银河系像一只大铁饼,宽约8万光年,中心厚约1.2万光年,恒星的总数在1000颗以上。

▲.为什么白天看不见星星? 答:因为白天部分阳光被大气中的气体和尘埃散射,把天空照得十分明亮,再加上太阳辐射的光线非常强烈,使我们看不出星星来了。 ▲.太阳系里有哪些天体? 答:太阳系中有9大行星。


最著名的彗星是哈雷彗星。 ▲.为什么星星有不同的颜色? 答:星星的颜色决定于它的温度。

不同的颜色代表着不同的表面温度:发蓝的星星表面温度高,发红的星星表面温度低。 ▲.最亮的星是什么星? 答:天空中最亮的星是大犬座里的天狼星,星等为1.46等。

距地球8.7光年。 ▲.怎样找北极星? 答:在天空中很容易找到北极星:先找到大熊星,再找到北斗七星。


也可以通过“仙后座”找北极星。 ▲.蓝天有多高? 答:“蓝天”其实是地球的大气层。


大气层有多厚,蓝天就应该有多高。 ▲.为什么天空是蓝色的? 答:当太阳光照射到地球的大气层时,蓝色光最容易从其他颜色中分离出来,扩散到空气中再反射出来。

而其他颜色的光穿透能力很强,透过大气层照到地球上,于是我们看天空只能见到日光中的蓝色光。 ▲.为什么日落时天空是红的? 答:因为日落时阳光在大气层中走的路程特别远。


▲.月亮会发光吗? 答:月亮不是恒星,它不能发光,但它能反射太阳光。虽然它反射的光只有百分之七能到达地球,但足够照亮我们地球上的黑夜。

▲.我们能看到多少颗星星? 答:用我们的肉眼从地球上能看到7000颗星,但是因为地球是圆的,不论我们站在地球上的什么地方,都只能看到半边天空,而且靠近地平线的星星又看不清楚,所以我们用肉眼实际上只能看到大约3000颗星。 ▲.太阳的温度有多高? 答:太阳的中心温度高达192,000,000℃,表面温度为6000℃。

但由于太阳离我们非常远,有1.5亿公里,所以,我们就不觉得那么热了。 ▲.地球为什么会转圈? 答:因为地球有引力,地球正是由于这种引力的作用才转圈的。

地球自转的速度每小时1700公里,合每秒470米;公转的速度大约每秒种29.8公里。 ▲.中午的太阳为什么是白色? 答:因为中午时,太阳光能够直接照在地面上,不像早晚要受地面上的东西(如高山、林木、楼房,以及混浊空气)的阻挡,所以,它仍然是原来的白色光,刺激得人不敢睁眼睛。

▲.在月球上走路为什么费劲? 答:因为月球上的吸引力很小,走路很容易滑倒,一分钟只能走20步。如果走急了,就容易飞起来,一飞起来,就好长时间站不稳,所以,在月球上走路就很费劲。

▲.地球为什么不发光? 答:因为地球的温度比较低,最热的地方(地核心)才二三千度,不像太阳温度那样高,能引起热核反应,所以地球不会发光。 ▲.人为什么感觉不出地球在转动? 答:因为地球很大,转得又很平稳,我们也在同地球一起转动,我们以自己为参照物,所以就感觉不出地球在转动。

▲.打雷是怎么回事? 答:这是阴电和阳电碰到一起发生的自然现象。下雨时,天上的云有的带阳电,有的带阴电,两种云碰到一起时,就会放电,发出很亮很亮的闪电,同时又放出很大的热量,使周围的空气很快受热,膨胀,并且发出很大的声音,这就是雷声。

▲.流星雨是怎么回事? 答:宇宙中有许多小天体按着自己的轨道和速度飞行。有的自己炸碎了,有的和其他天体撞碎了。


▲. 云为什么会走? 答:云是浮在空中的水蒸气。空气在空中也是不停地流动着的。


▲. 飞机为什么能飞上天? 答:飞机有两个机翼,像小鸟的翅膀一样,它还有推进器。机翼能产生升力,把飞机托起在空中;推进器能产生能力,把飞机推向前进。



现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being' s progress。

Men used to cut trees with hand saw。 But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes。

Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour's ride away。 You probably want to make a phone call。

But no telephone is installed in your friend' s home。 What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us。

Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time。 Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake。

Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect。 We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed。

[参考译文] 现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树。

另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话。 但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行。


只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应。 我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷。


Science drink milk little common sense 5Drinking milk is good for health, but many people drink milk in still exist a number of the error on the idea, this paper introduces some scientific drinking milk little common sense.The 1 morning fasting drink milk should not be. Because the human body when fasting gastrointestinal peristalsis quickly, nutrition in milk are often too late to be absorbed quickly into the e.. In addition, big milk method is insufficient, because this will reduce in oral and salivary mixed opportunity, is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Drink milk before the best to eat some cookies, cakes, or eat snacks while drinking milk.2 night milk more favorable. Scientific studies found that, in the human body calcium metabolism will have a special rule: the evening especially midnight when the content of serum calcium, there will be a" trough", forcing the body through regulating mechanism of transport a portion of bone calcium supplement. In this way, calcium in the blood is temporarily maintained, but have reduced skeletal calcium in. Milk of calcium rich, therefore before bedtime drink a cup of milk, can compensate for human body needs calcium at night.3 milk should not be adding sugar boiling. Milk is rich in amino acids, in the condition of high temperature in the milk of lysine with sugars occurring Maillard reaction, generate a new compounds - fructosyl amino acid. This substance can not only for human digestion and absorption, but affect human health, the best milk fresh drinking, such as cold a little heating can.4 do not like milk can drink yoghurt. The milk has a" repulsive " most people with lactose intolerance, these people can try drinking yoghurt. In the yogurt lactose content significantly reduced, but almost all retain the milk nutrition, wherein the lactic acid bacteria in the human body can survive and reproduction, conducive to nutrient absorption and utilization and improve immunity. Yogurt not containing antibiotics, easy to digest the absorption to fasting drinking.5 can not be heated drinking yoghurt. Drink sour milk feeds mainly on its nutrition and live bacteria, such as yogurt heating, the body can only drink nutrition to lose biological activity of lactic acid bacteria, so don't heating after drinking.How birds sleepDuring the day, the birds in the branches through singing, fly freely in the blue sky, in the evening, they and we like to rest, sleep, restores the physical strength, but their sleeping position but each are not identical!Beautiful mallard ducks and swans, under water in daytime, and the rest of the night when the predator, also cannot leave their most loves water. They have beautiful long neck bending forward, head buried in the wings, and then let themselves floating in the water, while dreaming, and swim, is leisurely.Crane, stork, heron, long-legged bird always stand on one leg and sleep, tired to change the other foot rest, is a model.Partridge rest like swarms around in a circle, and then as head outwards inward end. In this way, regardless of the enemy from which direction the hit, they can find and run away.Thrush, Braun and other sounds melodious birds, sleep usually bent legs, claws bent up firmly grasp branches, so don't worry they will fell down from the tree.While the" night owl" birds of prey in the daytime, you can always see it open one eye, one eye closed, standing in the thick branches, in fact it is sleeping. The sleeping posture is it right? Very offbeat ah, it is in order to monitor the surrounding environment against enemy attack!= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =The fish will drown meFish have gills, can breathe water, fishes have a swim bladder, can be in the water freely ups and downs. However, some people say the fish that lives in the water will drown, is this true?Although it sounds ridiculous, but it is true. Fish is fish swimming" buoy", which can be inflated and deflated to adjust the proportion of fish body. In this way, the fish in the swimming requires only minimal muscle activity, will be in the light of floating stability. However, when the fish sink to a certain depth ( i.e." depth" ), the outside huge pressure will cause it to wither section bladder volume. At this time, it 's buoyancy less than its own gravity, so he can't help to submerged to, also do not float, and was ultimately unable to breathe and drowned. 。

