
2023-01-28 综合 86阅读 投稿:真爱你

1. 有关marry(结婚)的英语短语

marry somebody=get/be married to somebody 和某人结婚(可灵活翻译为娶、嫁)marry A to B 表示父母等长辈把A许配给B或者为B娶A作媳妇.marry into。

(通过结婚)进入。例:She's been eager to marry into a wealthy family. 她一直渴望嫁入豪门.关于marry、marriage的相关俚语和谚语等:a marriages made in heaven 姻缘天注定/比喻两个人或两件事物结合得非常好例:Strawberries and cream are a marriage made in heaven.草莓和奶酪相得益彰.marriage broker 婚姻介绍人/红娘。

2. 结婚用英语怎么

结婚 [jié hūn] get married Wedding 商贸英语,商业演讲之结婚(Wedding),商贸英语,英语学习,教育资源库。

基于497个网页-相关网页 marry 自考英语(一)课堂笔记完整版(13) 。 2. marriage n. 婚姻,结婚 marry v. 结婚 married adj. 结了婚的 。

基于478个网页-相关网页 tie the knot 希望能帮到你,麻烦给“好评”。

3. 翻译几个婚礼词汇句子 英语




以主题划分,就更多了,比如童话婚礼、海洋婚礼、电影主题、花语主题等From the regional division, may divide into the Chinese type wedding ceremony, the western-style wedding ceremony, China and the West convolution wedding ceremony, the Han type wedding ceremony and so on.

From the location division, may divide into in the room the wedding ceremony, the outdoors wedding ceremony (including lawn wedding ceremony, manor wedding ceremony, sand beach wedding ceremony, cruise wedding ceremony, countryside wedding ceremony, summit wedding ceremony and so on)

by the color division, but the red wedding ceremony, the white wedding ceremony, the pink color wedding ceremony, the blue color wedding ceremony and so on

by the subject division, have been more, for instance fairy tale wedding ceremony, sea wedding ceremony, movie subject, flowered language subject and so on

4. 用英语怎么说结婚的祝词啊

congratulations!! 祝你们白头到老,幸福美满。

Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 祝你和史密斯幸福美满。 Wish you happiness with smith. 祝你事业成功,幸福美满,万事如意。

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. 衷心祝贺你喜结良缘并祝将来幸福美满。 Hearty congratulations on your marriage best wish for your future happiness. 衷心祝您在新的一年里身体健康,幸福美满。

Sincerely hope new year will hold for you full measure of health happiness. 请你俩接受我的祝福,同时希望你终生幸福美满。 Please give him my congratulations.As for yourself,you know,I wish you all the luck and happiness life can offer. 衷心祝贺结婚,祝你和你可爱的妻子永远幸福美满。

Hearty congratulations on your marriage may much happiness be brought to you and your love is for many years to come. 我相信你的明智选择将保证你未来的家庭生活幸福美满。 I believe that the excellent choice you have felicity made is an assurance of your future domestic.。
