
2023-03-08 综合 86阅读 投稿:纯念想

1.健康的小知识英语作文 带翻译 短篇

Staying healthy is a combination of body ,heart, and mind. Doing excercise is one of the eaisest way to stay fit and healthy. The love of unhealthy food like KFC and Macdonalds is something the heart and mind has to control. They have too much fat and it will take a longer time to get them out of our body system. Excercising must come with proper eating habit and rest. This is the easy to say but, to many diffcult to do! so i will spend this summer hoiliday to do more excercise to become fitter and stronger.。


A, usually to maintain happy mood, We must pay attention to keep warm.

Second, in ordinary life:

Avoid life erratic, Avoid drinking, Avoid smoking, Avoid disorderly use tonic, Chemical drug abuse.

Third, eating a balanced diet, with staple: give priority to, eat more vegetables and fruit.

(a) to eat less food

1, do not eat unclean food, especially the peanuts and not salted mildewing good preserved.

2, don't eat cold food.

3, eat less animal liver: liver as detoxifying organs, some toxic substances will also in liver accumulation. Inside liver cholesterol content high, 100 grams of cholesterol liver of pig up to 400 milligrams, intake will increase liver burden.

4, eat less animal fats and fat, Fried foods: high fat food, not easy digestion, absorption, easily still primers


Many people like to eat fruit after a meal, this is a wrong habits. After the food into the stomach, need to go through 1 to 2 hours to digest, if immediately after a meal to eat fruit, food will be blocked previously ate, resulting in the fruit can not be normal digestion. A long time, can cause bloating, diarrhea or constipation and other symptoms.

Prevention of autumn and winter dry lips

Making the leading cause of chapped lips are: the lack of moisture and fat diet, lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and Yin low heat, dry climate or certain systemic diseases. Diet control chapped lips, should be moderate or Pianleng diet intake of food. Making making vegetables: such as spinach, mustard, amaranth,shepherd's purse, Huang Huacai (fresh day lily should be steamed or boiledtreatment before eating, to prevent colchicine poisoning), wild rice stem, radish,eggplant, tomatoes, bamboo shoots, white gourd, cucumber, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, mushrooms, white fungus, green bean, soybean and its products.



引发口唇干裂的主要原因有:日常饮食缺乏水分和油脂,缺乏维生素A、维生素B、维生素C、维生素E以及阴虚低热、气候干燥或某些全身性疾病。饮食防治口唇干裂,应摄取食性平和或偏冷的食物。 蔬菜类:如菠菜、芥菜、苋菜、荠菜、黄花菜(鲜黄花菜应经蒸或煮处理后再食用,防止秋水仙碱中毒)、茭白、萝卜、茄子、竹笋、西红柿、冬瓜、黄瓜、丝瓜、苦瓜、蘑菇、银耳、绿豆、大豆及其制品。)

