
2022-09-09 综合 86阅读 投稿:孤舟

1.健康的小知识英语作文 带翻译 短篇

Staying healthy is a combination of body ,heart, and mind. Doing excercise is one of the eaisest way to stay fit and healthy. The love of unhealthy food like KFC and Macdonalds is something the heart and mind has to control. They have too much fat and it will take a longer time to get them out of our body system. Excercising must come with proper eating habit and rest. This is the easy to say but, to many diffcult to do! so i will spend this summer hoiliday to do more excercise to become fitter and stronger.。


Many people like to eat fruit after a meal, this is a wrong habits. After the food into the stomach, need to go through 1 to 2 hours to digest, if immediately after a meal to eat fruit, food will be blocked previously ate, resulting in the fruit can not be normal digestion. A long time, can cause bloating, diarrhea or constipation and other symptoms.

Prevention of autumn and winter dry lips

Making the leading cause of chapped lips are: the lack of moisture and fat diet, lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and Yin low heat, dry climate or certain systemic diseases. Diet control chapped lips, should be moderate or Pianleng diet intake of food. Making making vegetables: such as spinach, mustard, amaranth,shepherd's purse, Huang Huacai (fresh day lily should be steamed or boiledtreatment before eating, to prevent colchicine poisoning), wild rice stem, radish,eggplant, tomatoes, bamboo shoots, white gourd, cucumber, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, mushrooms, white fungus, green bean, soybean and its products.



引发口唇干裂的主要原因有:日常饮食缺乏水分和油脂,缺乏维生素A、维生素B、维生素C、维生素E以及阴虚低热、气候干燥或某些全身性疾病。饮食防治口唇干裂,应摄取食性平和或偏冷的食物。 蔬菜类:如菠菜、芥菜、苋菜、荠菜、黄花菜(鲜黄花菜应经蒸或煮处理后再食用,防止秋水仙碱中毒)、茭白、萝卜、茄子、竹笋、西红柿、冬瓜、黄瓜、丝瓜、苦瓜、蘑菇、银耳、绿豆、大豆及其制品。)



A, usually to maintain happy mood, We must pay attention to keep warm.

Second, in ordinary life:

Avoid life erratic, Avoid drinking, Avoid smoking, Avoid disorderly use tonic, Chemical drug abuse.

Third, eating a balanced diet, with staple: give priority to, eat more vegetables and fruit.

(a) to eat less food

1, do not eat unclean food, especially the peanuts and not salted mildewing good preserved.

2, don't eat cold food.

3, eat less animal liver: liver as detoxifying organs, some toxic substances will also in liver accumulation. Inside liver cholesterol content high, 100 grams of cholesterol liver of pig up to 400 milligrams, intake will increase liver burden.

4, eat less animal fats and fat, Fried foods: high fat food, not easy digestion, absorption, easily still primers


健康是什么?健康就是身体、心里没有疾病,发育完全良好!What is health? Health is to the body, heart disease, fully developed good!健康,也是整整陪伴我们十几年得好伙伴,好朋友,我们可以说是形影不离!Health, is also the whole with us more than ten years is a good partner, good friends, we can say is inseparable.健康,是我们一直追求,一直向往的目标!一个人如果拥有了健康的身体,健康的文化,健康的心理,就是非常非常开心、自豪的事情!如果我们做到了这三点,就是减少了我们人生大道的绊脚石,也就是为我们今后的幸福生活铸造了一个良好的基础。

Health, is our pursuit, has been always aspire to the goal! If a person have a healthy body, a healthy culture, psychological health, is very, very happy and proud! If we do this at 3 o 'clock, is to reduce our life road, is also for our future happiness life of casting a good foundation.拥有健康的身体,应该从一点一滴做起!如:不偏食、不厌食、不挑食!并且要做到每天体育锻炼!还有多喝水,多吃水果。Have a healthy body, should start from every little bit! Such as: partial eclipse, anorexia, not picky about food! And to do exercise every day! And drink more water, eat more fruit.拥有健康的文化,应该从自我控制力做起!在学习文化知识的时候,不但应学习教科书上的内容,也应该多阅读课外读物!节假日也应该到图书馆去借阅书籍,在阅读的时候,难免会有许多少年不宜读、不宜看、不健康的东西,这就需要我们自我约束!吮吸精华,合理地去吸收!这样,就会使我们保持文化健康。

Have a healthy culture, should start from the self-control! When to learn cultural knowledge, not only should learn the content of the textbook, should also read extracurricular books! Holidays should also went to the library borrowing books, at the time of reading, one will have many young should not be read, not seeing, unhealthy things, this needs us self-discipline! Suck the essence, reasonably to absorb! So, it will enable us to maintain a healthy culture.拥有健康的心理,要从不屈不挠开始说起!爸爸妈妈曾经告诉过我:“心理健康和文化健康同样重要!”只要拥有不屈不饶的冲劲才能克服种种困难。我们天天与父母、同学交流!同学给我们提的建议,老师提出我们的缺点,我们应该虚心接受。

尽量不和同学们发生矛盾!Have a healthy psychological, started to persevere! Mom and dad told me: "mental health and cultural health is equally important!" As long as have unrelenting drive to overcome difficulties. We communicate with parents and students every day! Students give us the advice, the teacher put forward our shortcomings, we should accept modestly. As far as possible with the students conflict!自尊心强,固然是好事,老师批评了我们,我们流泪了,是因为我们知道错了,下定决心要开始奋斗了!但你的眼泪不能一次一次的流,还屡教不改!这就变成了鳄鱼的眼泪!High self-esteem, it is good, the teacher criticized us, we shed tears, because we know is wrong, is determined to begin to struggle! But your tears flow can't again, also often teach not to change! It's turned out to be a crocodile tears.犯了错误就应该正确的去面对!不能因为一次错误而是自己失去了生机,变得不活泼把自己隐藏在深处不能与别人交流,这就不对了!Made a mistake should have the right to face! Cannot because of a mistake but his lost vitality, become inert to hide himself in the deep can't communicate with others, this is not right!是千里马总要被伯乐发现,对。但是,现如今,伯乐总是有限,千里马越来越多,所以,伯乐不可能一个一个地发现你!你应该主动地把自己展示给伯乐。

这样,你才会有好的成绩。Is a swift horse is always found by bole, right. But, nowadays, bole is always limited, swift horse is increasing, so the bole one by one, can not find you! You should actively show themselves to bole. In this way, you will have good results.我们现在是少年时代的学生,应该以学为主,不能去少年不能去的地方,如:网吧、游戏厅等!应保持心里健康 ,我们一但进去,就险了进去,而不能自拔!Now, we are young age students, should give priority to in order to learn, can't go to the young can't go to the places, such as Internet cafes, games, etc! Should maintain a healthy heart, but we go in, risks, and cannot extricate oneself!身体健康,文化健康,心里健康这几点相比起来心理健康更难做到一些,但只要努力,再努力就一定会保持这三点!Health, culture, health, healthy heart this time compared to mental health is harder to do some, but as long as you work hard, try again will keep this at 3 o 'clock!总而言之,统而言之。



1. 饮食: You should eat three healthy meals every day. You shouldn't eat food with lots of sugar, oil and fat because they are not good for your health. Don't eat too much junk food. You should eat enough vegetables and fruit because they are rice in vitamins. You should drink enough milk and water.

2 其他习惯: You should get enough sleep. If you don't have enough sleep, you will feel tired and you will not concentrate better. You shouln't drink, smoke and take drugs. Don't play computers too long. Wash your hand before meals and do exercise every day.

6.英语小短文 关于健康的

How to keep healthy

What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.

You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. these things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


