
2022-07-14 综合 86阅读 投稿:回眸


Howard: "I enter the NBA, I only know one person, he is Cleveland's 23."LebronJames与KevinGarnett LebronJames and KevinGarnett 麦迪:“我觉得我还不够资格评论勒布朗,我还是先追上乔丹再说吧”. McGrady: "I think I'm not qualified to comment on LeBron, I'd better catch up with Jordan to say it." 科比:“乔丹是我的偶像,可是说到心中的神,那当然是勒布朗,这没什么不好意思的”. Bryant: "Jordan is my idol, but the hearts of God comes, of course, is LeBron, this little embarrassed." 邓肯:“说实话勒布朗才是MVP的唯一人选.”. Duncan: "To be honest the only candidate LeBron is the MVP.". 加内特:“我可以防住乔丹,但是让我来防勒布朗,我宁愿选择退场”. Garnett: "I can live in Jordan defense, but let me against LeBron, I would prefer exit." 比卢普斯:“不要说做勒布朗的队友,我能成为他的球迷已经感到很荣幸了”. Billups: "Do not just say that LeBron's teammates, I could be his fans feel very honored to have the." 艾弗森:“勒布朗已经取代乔丹成为我们的新偶像”. Iverson: "LeBron has replaced Michael Jordan as our new idol." 乔丹:“唯一能让我甘心打替补的人他叫勒布朗”. Jordan: "The only way I am willing to play off the bench that he has named LeBron." 卡特:“如果勒布朗进入扣篮大赛.我宁愿退出把冠军让给他,我实在没有勇气挑战他”. Carter: "If LeBron into the dunk contest. I prefer to give him out of the championship, I do not have the courage to challenge him." 埃尔文约翰逊:“论个人能力,毫无疑问勒布朗已经取代迈克尔成为NO.1,联盟的每一个人都梦想着超越他.可是你知道,这是不现实的”. Magic Johnson Magic Johnson: "On the personal ability, no doubt LeBron has replaced Michael as NO.1, Union, everyone was beyond his dreams. But you know, this is unrealistic."LebronJames与KobeBryant LebronJames and KobeBryant 拉塞尔:“幸好勒布朗不在那个时代,否则我一个总冠军可能也得不到”. Russell: "Fortunately, LeBron is not that time, otherwise I might not get a championship." 伯德:“如果勒布朗在我面前拿到100分,我一点也不感到奇怪”. Bird: "If LeBron got 100 points in front of me, I am not surprised." 里基戴维斯:“自从离开勒布朗后,我每天都在后悔,为什么我会离开他,离开那个让我得到东部冠军的人,我实在太蠢了”. Ricky Davis: "Since leaving LeBron, I regret every day, why I would leave him, so I got to leave the eastern part of the championship, I am stupid." 斯特恩:“看了这么多年NBA,我心中只有一个人是无法取代,他就是勒布朗”. Stern: "Reading all these years NBA, I had only one person is irreplaceable, he is LeBron." 皮蓬:“詹姆斯正向史上最伟大球员迈进,如果让我在21岁的乔丹跟21岁的詹姆斯之间选择,我会选21岁的詹姆斯。”

Pippen: "James, move forward in the history of the greatest players, if I were in Jordan, 21, 21-year-old James, with the choice between, I would choose the 21-year-old James."。


The teacher, my name is HeYingJiang, 16 years old. I am from China, my school is located in fuqing city in fujian province, it is my second Alma mater is a public junior high school, inside a beautiful environment, green, the air is fresh, teachers and classmates are all very friendly, I like walking across campus, can let me feel relaxed, I like the subject is music history and English class, because I like singing, singing can make me forget all of bosom sorrow and unhappy things. History is contains thousands of years of Chinese culture, and I like to also want to know these ancient culture, so I like history. I like English, I think and many international personnel can normal sexual communication, but I'm more stupid, learn bad English, so I have been improved. I love playing table tennis playing basketball to play table tennis, because the boys like these. My hometown is in fuqing city in fujian province, one of the towns, here scenery beautiful, beautiful scenery, the people are very friendly. Speaking of my family? I really don't want to say. My parents because work favour, all the year round on a business trip, I followed my grandpa's grandmother, so I was so upset, because I don't get of parental love, others are a care home parents grew up, which I am not. Although I know them this is to life at home can be better, but they did not know that life and is worth more than a warm family. But, I still have three very love my sister, they bring me a lot of happy happy feeling, so I was lucky. I want the future actually a lot of, I think the future can be a international well-known clothing a teacher, because I love clothing, clothing can let people into fashion, to tide, at the same time I also is a favorite dress up, so I like clothing. At the same time I also like photography, I want to be an international renowned photographer, because I like to take the nature, I often by phone-snapping elegance of nature, that is really beautiful. I also yearning to your school to learn, to learn better language and understanding of western culture and history. I understand your school after all I think your school is very suitable for me, I think I'll also suitable for your school, still hope group to your school study status of the I .会有错误,但是大概就这样。






我的名字是sally。 你来自哪里?



excuse me,are you jane?

耶克斯可由斯 咪,啊 由 简?

Yes,l am. what's your name?

耶斯,艾 按姆。窝次 由 内姆?

my name is Sally. where are youfrom?

买内姆 一斯 萨莉。为啊 啊 由 仏让姆

l'm from Canada. are you from England?

艾 姆 仏让姆加拿大.爱母弗让姆英国?

no,l'm not.l'm from the U.S.A.

啂, 俺母诺特。艾姆 仏让姆 美国

哈哈 笑死我了 头一次这么做呢 早点学习英标吧你


Remote control car, lili also want to play at this time, bob not let her play, which is run through her mother: "bob, let lili play, you can not be too selfish to let so many younger sister." Finish, bob the remote control To the lili, said: "I am sorry lili, Wanba you!" "Thank you!" Lili said.。

