
2022-04-22 综合 86阅读 投稿:暗夜瞳


1. List the top 5 countries where English is used by most people?A. United Kingdom (Britain), US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland (any of those 5 would be fine)2. Who's the head of state of Australia?A. Queen Elizebeth !!3. Which are the major parts of the United Kingdom?A. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland4. How is the British prime minister elected?A. The leader of the majority party in the House of the Commons.5. What's the usual orientation of maps in Australia?A. North at top, South at bottom, East on the left, West on the right.6. What's biggest river system in Australia?A. Murray-Darling7. What are the only egg-laying mammal in the world? Where can you find them?A. platypus, Australia8. What's the biggest mountain range in New Zealand?A. South Alps9. How is the US president elected?A. In general election held every 4 years.10. Theoretically, how many years can a US president stay in office at most?A. 10 years (2 full terms plus less than half of a full term)11. Which 4 presidents' head can be found in Mount Rushmore National Monument?A. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt12. How many states are there in US? Which is the biggest in size?A. 50, Alaska13. The 5 big lakes in North America is also known as the North American Mediterranean. Give their names.A. Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario14. Why the weather in Britain is warmer in the winter compared to other places with similar latitude?A. The Mexican Gulf Stream brings warm water.15. Which party controls the Senate and the House in US?A. Democratic controlling the Senate, Republican the House, 16. How many members are there in the Senate and the House respectively? How are they distributed among the states?A. Senate: 100, 2 from each state House: 435, based on population17. How did US get Alaska?A. bought from Russia18. Which is the city at the mouth of the Mississippi? What happened to it several years ago?A. New Orleans, flooded by the famous hurricane Katrina.19. What's the 2nd biggest city in US?A. Los Angeles20. Who was the previous governor of California?A. Arnold Schwarzenegger。


小题1:D小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B小题5:D小题6:C 试题分析:小题1:根据常识可知MP3播放器是1998年韩国发明的,故选D,MP3播放器。






本题的考查也适用于排除法来完成,如最后一小题,我们对成龙,李连杰和李小龙比较熟悉,黄河渔夫这部电影没有与他们相关的信息,故可以推断出选C。 。


最后一句After all,if they don't ,they won't be British,will they?的意思是:最后,如果他们不是这样做(做指的是“英国人中的四分之三左右的人都是子承父业,他们在学校里努力学习,最后找各种类型的工作,在二十刚出头就结婚生子,他们与父母亲相处融洽,非常喜欢家庭生活.”),他们就不是英国人了,对不对?当然包含英国人的文化背景.英国人是一个比较保守的民族,他们非常讲究礼节,他们按照英国人的传统生活方式生活,例如前面提到的:英国人中的四分之三左右的人都是子承父业,他们在学校里努力学习,最后找各种类型的工作,在二十刚出头就结婚生子,他们与父母亲相处融洽,非常喜欢家庭生活.与其他的国家有所不同,例如美国人比较开放,喜欢我行我素。


or it to be made up entirely from within the continent, the Americans among others had argued that Africa does not have enough trained soldiers to make up a credible and effective force. Here's David Bamford. Mr. Konare's comments, following talks with President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan, are likely to raise eyebrows on the UN Security Council, which has been battling with the Sudanese leader for months on a compromise resolution that would specifically allow non-African peacekeepers to join the revamped Darfur force. There is already an African Union force in Darfur, but it's poorly trained, ill-equipped and only 7,000 in number. The UN is talking about something much more robust, able to stand up to the Janjaweed and rebel militias in Darfur. A foreign man who had been kidnapped in the oil producing region of southern Nigeria has died shortly after being set free. Officials said the man was released by the hostage takers near the town of Yenagoa. Election observers in Sierra Leone have said Saturday's presidential and parliamentary elections were free, fair and credible. They said the ballot went smoothly and the presence of police had given confidence to voters. The European Union's Chief Election Observer Marie-Anne Isler Beguin said she was satisfied with how the election was conducted. "Of course we have a good view now, a good picture of what happened yesterday and we at this moment can be satisfied of the global participation and the global organization." It was Sierra Leone's first election since the departure of the United Nations' peacekeepers who had steered its recovery from years of civil war. The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has called on leaders of the main parliamentary factions to hold talks within the next two days to try to resolve a political crisis. Two factions have recently withdrawn from the national unity cabinet saying it had failed to end sectarianism. The cabinet is now narrowly based on Shiite Muslim religious parties and Kurdish groups and it has almost no Sunni Arab members. United Nations Children's Fund is making an urgent appeal for women in Iraq to breastfeed their children rather than use infant formula milk. Infant formula needs to be mixed with water and UNICEF says diarrhea caused by water contamination is one of the biggest killers of Iraqi children. A senior Afghan official says he now expects two South Koreans being held by Taliban militants will be released within the next 24 hours. A Taliban spokesman said on Saturday the two Korean women who are said to be unwell had already been released, but this was not confirmed. The authorities in Guatemala say they've rescued 46 more children and babies they think may have been taken from their parents for illegal adoption by foreigners. Police say the infants were found at a house in the city of Antigua after neighbors reported seeing foreigners collecting children there every day. Daniel Schweimler reports. The authority is now investigating whether the children were stolen or their parents were coerced into giving them up. The attorney general's office said that few of the children had the necessary paperwork and the house did not have permission to operate as an adoption center. Last year couples in the United States adopted more than 4,000 infants from Guatemala where it can take half the time and cost considerably less than it does elsewhere. International diplomats leading the latest talks on the future of Kosovo say the partition of the province which is still technically part of Serbia might be possible if both Serbs and Albanians agree. The comments appeared to mark a change in policy. Until now, the international community had insisted that the province stay as one. Nick Thorpe reports. The United States, Russia and the European Union have the unenviable task of trying to broker a deal for Kosovo acceptable to all sides after all other efforts have failed. Wolfgang Ischinger, the EU envoy, told reporters that all options were open to resolve the deadlock, which has reined since the aerial bombing campaign by NATO forced the Serb police and army out of the province eight years ago. A court in China has given a one-year prison sentence and a fine about 130 dollars to a television journalist Zi Beijia who made up a recent report about street vendors in Beijing selling meat buns stuffed with chemicals and cardboard. Mr. Zi's report received wide circulation abroad, embarrassing the government at a time when China is facing 。





在英语教学中,教师应努力培养学生的文化习得意识,使文化规范的教学与语言技能的培养同步进行。关键词 语言 文化 文化差异 文化意识在美国有这样一个尽人皆知的句子:"When you're down, you are not necessarily out."但是许多English learners却对其含义不甚了了。






而实际上由于不了解语言的文化背景,不了解中西文化的差异,在英语学习和用英语进行交际中屡屡出现歧义误解频繁,语用失误迭出的现象。如:用How much money can you earn a month?来表示对外国人的关心,殊不知这是一句冒犯的问话,侵犯了别人隐私(privacy),会激起对方的反感。

中国人以谦逊为美德,如当外国人称赞中国人某一方面的特长时,中国人通常会用You are overpraising me ("过奖")来应酬,这往往会让说话者感到你在怀疑他的判断力;抑或是用"Where? Where?"来回答,弄得外国人莫名其妙,不知所云。美国社会学家G.R.Tucker 和W.E.Lambet对于外语教学中只教语言不教文化有这样的看法:"我们相信,任何这类企图都会使学生失去兴趣,使他们不仅不想学习语言符号本身,而且也不想了解使用这一符号系统的民族。


从而提供了学习该民族的语言的基础"。二、中西文化的偶合现象与文化差异 不同民族的文化有可能存在某些相同或相似的地方,这被称为文化的偶合现象。


因而在英语和汉语中,我们不难发现许多相同或相似的表达。例如:"披着羊皮的狼",英语为wolf in sheep's clothing;"同舟共济" ,英语为in the same boat;"破土动工",英语为break earth;"三思而后行",英语为 think twice before you act;"蓝图",英语为blue print,等等,这样的偶合现象不胜枚举。

文化的这种偶合现象,可以促进English learners在目的语(target language)学习中的"正迁移"(positive transfer)。 但是,不同的民族所处的地理环境和历史环境不同,因而对不同的事物和经历有着不同的编码(code),分类;不同的民族因不同的宗教信仰,也导致了他们独特的笃信,崇尚和忌讳心态;不同的民族因其发展的特殊历史过程也产生了本民族自己的历史典故,传说轶事。

如:汉语中的"龙","生死轮回","八卦","阴阳","气功"等,对不了解中国文化的外国人来说必然是云里雾里,不知何物。同样,当我们看到英语中He is a wolf这个句子时,还以为是"这个人很凶",实为"他是个好色之徒"。

中西两种文化的差异还可以从动物的"文化附加义"的差异窥见一斑。 对于狮子的勇猛(brave),绵羊的温顺(gentle),狐狸的狡猾(sly),乌龟的迟缓(slow),猪的贪婪(greedy),英语和汉语的文化附加义基本相同。


而老鼠在英语俚语中可指女人,怕羞的人。更由于迪斯尼先生创造了Mickey Mouse这个尤物,从而使得老鼠的形象大放异彩,成为千家万户所喜爱的动物,尤其在儿童心目中,更是机智,智慧的象征。




culture is made complicated up of knowledge,belief,arts,laws,moralities,customs,abilities and habits a person own as a member of society.understanding English culture and knowledge is helpful for the conmmunication.on the other hand,lack of knowing the background will surely make a barrier on communication.culture shock and misunderstanding will also be made.get a clearly idea about the differences between two kind of cultures will play a positive role on getting a reasonable view about the culture and avoid the embarrasse during the daily life.。


中学英语文化背景知识 黎里中学 丁建方 西方文化背景知识已大量地渗入现代的中学英语教材和读物中,这与传统的英语教材只强调语言知识和语法知识的重要性差别较大。



以下简略地概括一些中学英语中出现的中西文化的差异和西方特有的文化背景知识。 一。

日常生活交际和风俗习惯。 中西文化的差异在日常生活中出现得很多,如姓名、称呼和问候之类。

在汉语中先姓后名而在英美国家则完全不同,他们是名前姓后,而且在中间还喜欢加上一个中间名。称呼别人时一般在姓的前面加上称呼语,如“Mr Smith”等,初学者应当注意。

在英语中我们会发现西方国家里对亲属的称谓很少,如“Aunt,Ancle, Cousin”等。 而在汉语中则不同,汉语把亲属间的关系分得极细,既能分别性别、大小又能分出与称者的关系。


家庭成员之间即使是长辈也常对小辈说“Thank you”。因为西方的一些国家追求人人平等和个人的独立意识。

在英国,熟人见面时谈论天气的话题较多如“Lovely weather,isn't it”。而在中国人们碰面时则常问“你吃了吗?”自古以来中国食风甚盛,请客吃饭司空见惯。




尊重女士是英国绅士的一大特点。 “Ladies and gentlemen”。

“Ladies first”等。Lady在前,体现了英国人的绅士风度。

如果陌生人见面,介绍人一般都是先向女士引见男士,男士为女士开门、让座位、拿行李等是英国所崇尚的一种 道德风范。 当你带领客人到家作客时,英国人仅会领你到客厅或告诉你卫生间的方向而不会带客人象中国人那样到处参观,西方有一句谚语“英国人的家就是他们的城堡”而在这一方面中国人则表现出自己的大度和推心置腹。



当你受到别人的称赞和夸奖时,说声“Thank you”。在西方国家人们认为那是非常得体的用语,无须谦虚。


了解更多的历史文化和典故习语等方面的背景知识,有利于学生拓宽视野和对文章的理解。“Black”一词是美国人在二十世纪六十年代前对遭受种族歧视和压迫的黑人的称呼,甚至称黑人为“Black Slave”。


美国著名黑人杰克逊则认为应当称美国黑人为“An American of African descent”才适当得体。 这说明随着历史的发展,语言作为其交际工具,随时都应适应社会的需要。

历史文化是属于说这种语言的宝贵遗产,它们经常在日常交际和各种阅读材料中出现,值得倍加注意。如西方人说“He is a Shylock”,不了解情况的学生没法理解此句的含义,因为“Shylock”这一词很明显是一个人名。

而如果你知道 “Shylock”是莎翁笔下的一个什么样的人物时,此句就很容易理解为他是一个守财奴。又如“Castle in spain”我们译为“西班牙城堡”,而其真正的含义是幻想或梦想。

就相当于汉语中的空中楼阁之类的意思。 英语习语是学英语者最为头痛的事,需逐步地和经常地积累。

“Pull one'sleg”是指开玩笑而不是拖后腿。“Child's play”是简单容易不是视同儿戏。

因为习语是该国文化在特定的场合内形成的,切不可望文生义,否则会差之毫厘失之千里。如“It's Greek to me”,英国人一般都不懂希腊语,因而此句意为“我不知道”。

“Take French leave”是指用法国式的方式告别,英国人借用十七世纪法国流行的风俗习惯离开客厅时无需向主人或女主人告别,引深为不经同意和通知而做什么事情。 中西文在各自领域内由于语言文化的背景不同,便有了各自绚丽多彩。

